Connecting the world with God's love.

As the body of Christ, we gather, grow, go & give together.

Worship with us this Sunday!

We can't wait to see you at one of our campuses & worship venues this Sunday! If you're a first time guest, be sure to let us know you're coming and stop by the welcome desk for a free gift from us.

Kingsland Campus

9:00am & 10:30am - Traditional
10:30am - Contemporary
5:00pm - Courage (all abilities & disabilities)

West Campus

9:00am & 10:30am
Contemporary Worship

Church Online

Worship with us from anywhere!
Stream any of our services online.

Ready to get connected?

No matter our age, we never stop growing in faith

For infants-5th Grade

For students 6th-12th Grade

For people of all physical and cognitive abilities

In the hard season of life, you don't have to walk alone

We partner in mission with non-profits
all over the world

There are so many opportunities for all ages and musical abilities

Upcoming Events

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CWOW Sunday is March 30!
Church Without Walls Sunday means we spend our regular Sunday morning worship time to serve our neighbors. Join us for our commissioning service starting at 9AM! Click to learn more!
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