The Virtual Stations of the Cross provides a unique way to pray and meditate on Christ's sacrifice for us.
Included with each of these stations are scriptures describing this moment in Christ’s journey to the cross, a theme, a devotion, something to meditate, prayer, ways for your family to engage in each station, an image for you to view as you are reflecting, and a video song to listen to while you make this journey with Christ and others.
This journey doesn’t have to be done all at once, it can be done while in your home, taking a walk, or even while you are curled up on the couch or in bed. You can do one then take a break, do a few and come back, or you can do them in order. But by taking time to visit each station you are taking time to step into the story of Jesus, the story of his death, and the story of salvation.
We hope and pray that during these times of reflection and prayer, that you draw closer to Christ as you journey through the steps he took to the cross. While we can never experience what he did, by taking the journey with him each year, we are able to get a clearer picture of the magnitude of love that God and Jesus Christ has for each of us. And in experiencing that, may you be propelled to show that kind of love to those close to you and the strangers you meet.
Even if you are not able to visit Jerusalem, the Stations of the Cross allow you to experience a pilgrimage to Calvary. The images and verses of the Via Crucis (the Way of the Cross) invite you to follow Jesus to the cross, so that you might experience deeper gratitude for the blessings of God’s amazing love and grace.